Playback configuration

NeetoReplay provides a recording player that allows you to swiftly navigate and analyze specific sections within the recording.

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Recording playback controls

Here is a breakdown of the basic controls:

  • Seek bar: This utility helps you navigate to any part of the recording by clicking on it.

  • Play/Pause Button: This button shows a play symbol (⏵︎) if the video is paused and a pause symbol (⏸︎) if the video is playing.

  • Forward/Rewind: These buttons allow you to skip or rewind 10 seconds in the recording.

  • Timeline: A label that indicates the recording's progress. It is of the form current time / total duration where current time indicates how much time has passed and total duration shows the recording's total length. If the recording is still in progress, the total duration will be shown as - .

  • Playback Speed: This dropdown lets you control how fast or slow the video plays. 1x is the normal speed. Options for slower or faster playback are available.

  • Skip inactivity: You can automatically skip inactive sections by toggling the Skip inactivity button. Active parts are highlighted in blue, while inactive parts remain in the default color.

Disabling autoplay

After playback ends, users are notified and automatically transitioned to the next recording after 5 seconds.

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The modal that notifies the user about the autoplay

To disable this behavior click on Settings > Disable autoplay.

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Disabling autoplay in settings

Muting mouse clicks

By default, playback produces click sounds during mouse click user interaction events. This can be turned off by toggling Settings > Mute mouse clicks.

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Muting mouse clicks